You were informed that dreams have a price? To travel around the world, I need money money.

Fortunately, I had Scrooge Pig : my piggy bank
I had full of gold coins! Scrooge Pig was very fat!
But it was not enough...

My sponsors

Fortunately,  there's a very nice family called Mr and Mrs Sponsorship.
Great people who helped me with their piggy banks!
And then also, they gave me their time! Thanks a lot:

Ville de Villejuif

City of Villejuif
City Hall gave me financial support of 3500 €, media support and a creative residency at the MPT Jules Vallès.

Ville d’Yzeure

City of Yzeure
City Hall gave me media support and a creative residency at the Atelier-Théâtre de la Mothe.

Ville de Paris (Bourse Paris Jeune Aventure)

City of Paris
(Grant Paris Younth Adventures)
Paris Youth Adventures gave me financial support of 3500 €.
This scholarship provides financial support to humanitarian projects, cultural, scientific, sports... in France and abroad, offered for the 16 to 28 years living, working or studying in Paris.

Conseil Général du Val de Marne

General Council of Val de Marne
General Council of Val de Marne (94) gave me a financial support of 1500 €.

Conseil Général de l’Allier

General Council of Allier
General Council of Allier (03) gave me a financial support of 1500 €.

Conseil Régional d’Auvergne (Bourse Défi Jeunes)

Regional Council of Auvergne
(Grant Youth Challenge)
Regional Council gave me financial support of 1000 €.
Youth Challenge help young people to achieve their dreams through a structured career project.

Val de Bièvre Communauté d'agglomération

Urban Community of Val-de-Bièvre

The urban community of Val-de-Bièvre gave me financial support of 3500 €.


Creators of the Website.
Production on subcontracting for agencies Web and SSII of all work online (making sites ASP / PHP / MYSQL, integration HTML / JS, graphic design, applications Flash / Flex) and offline.


Oh! I'm a celebrity! I’m a star! I'm a celebrity lit by the spotlight of my stairs.
I have to wear sunglasses at night without hitting me on the walls.
I have to be naked on the beach with my Love. That's be a star!

City of Villejuif
Click here to see more...

Yzeure mag
Click here to see more...

Click here to see more...

Lonely Planet

Lonely planet
Lonely gave me all guidebooks that I need.
Lonely Planet is the largest independent publisher of travel guides. Each title includes a cultural part of the country and practical information for traveling. In a guide there are hundreds of addresses, information to move, detailed maps, photos,...

Hachette, Guides Voir

Hachette, Guides Voir

Hachette gave gave me all guidebooks that I need.

The Guides Voir collection is distinguished by the extraordinary richness of its content (culture, historical and social context, …). Find all places of hotels, restaurants, coffee bars. Check the routes of walks, advice visits detailed proposals for excursions, tips, ...

Gift of a headlamp.

At the origin, founders of Petzl wanted to serve a passion : the exploration. Since its inception in speleology, its mission remains the same: devising practical tools to enable man to excel.

Gift of a sleeping bag.
Lestra use his unique expertise as a manufacturer of comforters and pillows in the service of hotels and communities. Designer of the quilt in France, Lestra has a mission : to provide more performance, comfort and safety.